Thursday, November 19, 2009

Dream, dream, dream

Ohh, the dreams you come across. Some extememly wild and just completely wacky, some scary, or some super hilarious! I've had some memorable dreams. lol.. there's been the dinosoar dream, as I call it. Where a dinosoar, t-rex to be exact, was chasing me through a house. I was running, and closing all the doors behind me as it chased me throughout this house? lol. then to defend myself I threw oranges at it! Odd. haha

Then I had one where my mom, sister and me were walking behind our church, from across the street I could see a cop aiming a gun at a guy with a rifle! anyways, i ducked down by a car, immediately pulled my sister with me but where was my mother? She was standing there on the phone! So I went and pulled her behind the car, around then I literally heard the rifle shot. That was when I woke up. I woke up immediately sitting . It was wierd. lol

Then oh my, my most recent memorable dream. Was pretty scary to be honest, well for me anyways. I can't quite get the details correct anymore, becuz it was a couple weeks ago, but i remember I looked out the living room window, and saw a guy pushing what looked like a freezer down the road. With him was a little boy also carrying a rifle. Hmm, rifles in two different dreams wierd. lol. well somewhere I heard that those two people were going house to house killing people. Keeping them in those freezers or just eating them? For some odd reason they had skipped our house but we were getting ready to pack up and leave to some other city or something. But then the two came back and apparently they had taken over the house next door. the houses are separated by like 2 acres of land so there not literally next door. But anyways, they had a loudspeaker and said something like we know everything about you, if you leave we'll still find you. Then they sent these things flying through the air, it was papers, envelopes, letters, and they all landed coincidently right in the doorway. anyways, i remember i was determined to kill these guys before they slaughtered any more people. So, i dunno, somehow I found some stuff to create a rocket type thing, missiles, guns. lol. I'm not sure, what happened next cuz then my alarm clock went off! Of course these dreams are probably triggered from watching so much tv before i go to sleep. not just any tv, but csi, criminal minds, numbers, ya know all those crime shows. haha.